
Places of Worship Intermediate Features & Specs

ResourceMate® Essential Plus

Features Overview


All the features of Essential with important extras like bar coded circulation and printing, processing your list of ISBN’s, MARC import/export, Volunteer Entry, store web link for items or multi media objects and many more. (see tabs for details)

More specific features



  Searching & Reporting


3 Additional Patron OPAC Licenses

Each installation of ResourceMate® includes the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). It is not necessary to purchase a license for computers that have a full copy of ResourceMate® installed on them.

Your OPAC license can either be used as a per station license or as a simultaneous license. Per station and simultaneous licenses can be intermixed. Simultaneous licenses are great when you have 30 stations that need to search but you know that only 5 or 10 might actually be searching at the same time. You would purchase 5 or 10 licenses instead of 30.

Note: Simultaneous licenses will not guarantee access to running the OPAC, it will depend on demand. For computers that should always have OPAC access, you would indicate that they would be station licenses. This way computers dedicated to OPAC use in the library will always have access. This allows more flexibility in the way that your computers access the OPAC program. The first time the OPAC is run you will indicate if it is a dedicated station or a simultaneous access station.

Additional OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) licenses are a low-cost solution to allowing several people throughout your organization to search the library/collection.

This bundle comes with Three Additional Patron OPAC licenses. Using Patron OPAC ensures that your library users cannot edit or delete your library data; they can only search.

Patron OPAC Features

Level 1 Training DVD includes:

Level 2 Training DVD includes:

Level 3 Training DVD includes:


 1 Year Annual Support with Live Chat

Includes continued use of ISBN retrieval, program updates, phone and e-mail support, off-site backup, and Anniversary data check by Jaywil Software as well as the freedom to contact support via live chat.

 Where support is up to date, on the anniversary of your registration, you will receive an e-mail with a survey and the opportunity to send your data to Jaywil Software for examination. You will be notified of any concerns about your data so that solutions can be implemented.


Sheet Feed Library Labels (100 sheets)

Label Packages:
1 set per row,
10 sets per 8 1/2 x 11 sheet, 100 sheets per pack.
Laser and Inkjet only.

Unitech MS210K CCD Scanner

Unitech MS210K CCD scanner - USB interface. Available in black and light grey.

Pre-Printed Bar Code Labels – Laminated (1000 labels)

Pre-printed laser bar code labels for ResourceMate® Essential Plus
5/8" x 2" Laminated,1,000 labels
